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Junta Local - Fair food chain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Published on February 22, 2022

A community meeting, named Junta Local, occurs every weekend in Rio de Janeiro. It values ​​the goods of those who eat and those who produce. The event has the purpose of presenting healthy and local food at a fair price and bringing producers and suppliers closer to customers, thus providing opportunities for small entrepreneurs.


The Junta Local was created five years ago, and since 2016 it has been accessible in two environments: physical and virtual.


The fairs take place on weekends, but they do not have a fixed location. People get a calendar informing the area through social networks and the website. Through the website, customers can buy through the virtual bag, which is based on purchasing food directly from the producers. The customer can put the products they want in their bag throughout the week and make the payment on the website. Pickup points are marked so buyers can pick up what was purchased.


The entire process is designed in the most sustainable way possible.


One of the Local Board founders, Thiago Nasser, explains that setting a pickup point makes the purchase cheaper and reduces the emission of waste: 


"Delivery is more expensive, it emits pollutants, and also, the points make people engage with the cause and that they increasingly understand that convenience makes access to food a little more expensive." In addition, the platform focuses on small producers, giving them the possibility to produce food the way they want. "This way, the food reaches people's plates more healthily", completes Thiago.


It was in search of a healthier lifestyle that many come across the Junta, as was the case with Rogério Prata.


The 52-year-old trader says that he and his wife have been following a healthier diet proposal for some time, and that's how they met the Local Board. "The idea of ​​the fair is great; I missed this type of movement here in Rio. I like most about the Junta are the affordable prices and the fact that the products do not have pesticides." Rogério Prata and his wife have changed their diet and what he likes most about it is that the products do not contain pesticides and the price is affordable.


Proposing behavioral, food, and social change, the initiative appears to lead a healthier life that offers guaranteed fun and good cuisine on weekends.


Original source: ESPM News- Junta Local: comida local e justa. Equipe do Portal 13 de junho de 2019



Junta Local became a company through incubation in the Rio Criativo program in 2016. They don't buy and resell products; they offers its platform and organizes deliveries so that producers can sell directly and at the lowest possible cost. So good food becomes more accessible, and the producer has a greater return on every dollar you spend. The Local Board collectively defines the fee that stays with the company. It varies between 15 and 26% according to what we need to maintain our platforms team, communication financially, and pay taxes. In this way, we grew up together.

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