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Learning is key to finding solutions and creating a more sustainable world. Transformative education is the long-term solution to help change the way we live and care for our planet. Yet, not all learners today are receiving the adequate tools and...


Le rôle central du tourisme à l’appui de l’économie bleue a été souligné au One Ocean Summit, sommet organisé par la Présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne le 9, 10 et 11 février.


The report explores impacts of consumption in six domains: food; housing, personal transport; goods; leisure; and services, and uses these to aggregate total lifestyle carbon footprints and reveal hotspots in the ten surveyed countries, representing...


The Covid-19 pandemic has put the wildlife trade and particularly wild meat consumption under the spotlight. Could regulating the different uses of wild animal species be a more effective response than a total ban?


A new Country Profile section of the platform takes a closer look at what your country is doing on Sustainable Consumption and Production, and provides access to the tools, resources, people and organisations who are contributing from across the One...


For World Food Day 2021, an international day celebrated annually on 16 October to commemorate the date of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945, researchers on the CANDIES project take a closer look at...


Thousands of Trash Hackers across the world connected to watch the webinar launch of UNESCO's Trash Hack campaign for schools and share their own innovative ideas to reduce waste.


On the occasion of the One Ocean Summit taking place in Brest, France, UNESCO announced it has set itself the goal of including ocean education in the school curricula of its 193 Member States by 2025. To achieve this goal, the United Nations agency...


A recent UNESCO workshop of the series on the transformative power of ESD for the world beyond COVID-19 focused on Sustainable Lifestyles, in particular how ESD help accelerate transformation towards more sustainable economies and societies and...


IKEA is on the journey to design all products with built-in circular capabilities by 2030. After assessing over 9,500 products*, IKEA is now sharing its methodology and insights to inspire and engage designers and accelerate the movement towards a...


In line with the commitment to have a positive impact on both people and planet, IKEA will phase out plastic from consumer packaging solutions. The phase-out will happen in steps, starting with all new range by 2025, and running range by 2028. With...


Brest, France, 11 February 2022- Tourism’s central role in advancing the Blue Economy was highlighted during a special session at the One Ocean Summit, hosted by the French Presidency this week.