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Soil Conservation Action Plan

  • Published on January 18, 2022

The Hungarian soil conservation authority has prepared a Soil Conservation Action Plan focusing on the protection of soil under agricultural cultivation. The document proposes a division of labour and responsibilities between the farmers and the state for the long term conservation of soils and the maintenance of fertility along food chain safety principles.

The action plan also changes the approach of the soil conservation authority, emphasizing the partnership between the authority and farmers. In addition to the official tools, it strengthens the partnership by transferring knowledge and identifying the most effective soil conservation measures and practices that can be applied in arable land. In the toolbox of soil conservation, prevention and planning are the most effective solutions, therefore it already involves the authority in the preparation of decisions of the farmer that pose a risk to the quality of soils through the Farmer's Soil Conservation Plan. With the adoption and implementation of the Soil Conservation Action Plan, a new era in soil conservation can begin in the heart of Europe. 

The Soil Conservation Action Plan supports the Sustainable Consumption and Production by making food production more environmentally friendly, convincing farmers to apply soil conservation land management practices to mitigate soil degradation in order to keep food production and consumption safe and sustainable for generations.  

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