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Challenges in aligning the architecture profession in Indonesia for climate change and sustainability

  • Published on April 24, 2018
Increased energy use and attendant green house emissions are associated with increased urbanization.At the same time, climate change poses challenges for the built environment where there are tensions between rapid city building and low carbon growth.This paper develops and tests a method for the institutional development of built environment professions in emerging economies that are dealing with a range of issues, including rapid urbanization, and rapid building and construction.
The built environment professions comprise a range of disciplines including architecture. Using the architecture profession as a case study, a ‘deep-dive’ is taken to understanding the role of architects as a central player in the move towards low carbon futures in Indonesia. The architecture profession and practitioners are analysed from the perspectives of curriculum development and governance in universities, private industry, peak industry bodies and other bodies driving low carbon growth such as green building councils. While the paper focuses on one discipline comprising the built environment profession, in reality, all disciplines comprising the built environment professions need to be considered to understand how they interact within the profession and between each other so as to maximize outcomes for low carbon approaches. An institutional approach is helpful in guiding the built professions in other transitioning economies. Generally, transitions to low carbon futures in academia have taken the approach of curriculum development in the various disciplines.

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