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Building the Business Case for Sustainable Procurement in Australia - Guidance 2019 Edition

  • Published on November 6, 2019
This document aims to help sustainable procurement champions be better at making the case for sustainable procurement within their organisations. Section 1 provides a three-page business case covering key elements such as benefits, drivers, barriers and implementation principles. Ideal for individuals that are looking for the “helicopter view” of the topic. Sections 2 to 8 provide a detailed business case for seven major sustainable procurement issues, in line with AS-ISO 20400.
Sustainability is a relatively recent area of attention for many organisations and consequently some people in an organisation may not clearly understand the business imperative that sits behind adopting sustainable procurement principles. The primary challenge for “sustainable procurement champions” (Chief Procurement Officers, Sustainability Managers, etc.) is to convince their organisations to embrace the ethical and commercial virtues of sustainable procurement. Their leadership ensures other employees understand that it supports organisational objectives such as enhancing competitive advantage, responding to stakeholder expectations, improving productivity or simply complying with environmental and social policies and regulations. However, there is little guidance on how to communicate this organisational alignment with stakeholders.

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