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Organise Responsible Preparation, Consumption and Waste Management of Food - among students

  • Published on January 12, 2018
Reduce food waste among students
Food waste is a serious global issue, which includes Malaysia. It affects the availability of food because over one third of globally produced foods are wasted, while there are 31 million people suffer without food. The impact of climate change makes the matter worse. First, we focused on school canteens to minimize disposal and procurement costs by implementing simple waste prevention procedures. Globally, over than 30 million children eat school meals every day. This is nothing new - food waste has been an issue in schools for decades, and mirrors the staggering amount of food waste nationally. Food waste issue is not only associated in with social, economic, environmental aspects, but it is also an ethical problem that needed to be seriously considered for the long term, because diverting food waste from landfills will not only conserve limited landfill space, but also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. After half day programme, the participants whom have submitted their proposal will be evaluated based a pre- determined criteria food waste management among their schools. Each school was provided with forms to record volume and type of food wastes over a predetermined period – before, during and after implementation of the initiatives. The participants returned the implementation and reduction proposals. Best proposals tool 3 months time period to collect the data. And were shortlisted and further assessed, including carrying out site visits in order to evaluate the participant's food waste management and to assess the success of achieving the objective. In addition to creating awareness and change while reducing the amount of food we throw out, efficiency and sustainability are the key areas that the student will need to focus on, throughout future decades to reduce waste. We hope that at the end, the improved processes to reduce food loss and waste globally will help secure the food supply for new generations. Students created an impact on the reduced food waste and participation on nationwide competition to collect data on food waste in school, in which the schools might decide on their own to implement food waste reduction plans, or implement initiatives created by state or local policies. Teacher and students have the power to get involved to make big changes when it comes to reducing the amount of food that land in school. Another impactful initiative by the schools canteens is to prepare waste bin to collect waste food to composting, which can be used in gardens and landscaping, and saves money usually spent on soil conditioners and fertilizers. In addition, composting programmes complement school garden programme efforts, both of which serve well as supplement and support classroom instruction. This could be a great practice all the world to reduce greenhouse gas emission starting from students. Overall, reducing food waste reduces the stress we put on natural resources through the disposal of uneaten food, and helps to reduce greenhouse gas pollution.

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