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CASE STUDY: Hospitality Workplaces in Marrakesh

  • Published on March 1, 2019
A new report 'Sustainable Lifestyles: Case Studies From the Hospitality Workplaces in Marrakesh' has been released

The ‘Sustainable Lifestyles: Case Studies From The Hospitality Workplaces in Marrakesh’ publication displays a series of cases in which Association Mawarid and UN Environment implemented sustainable actions in Marrakesh hotels and riads. These actions enhanced employee wellbeing and inspired the workplaces to continue promoting sustainability beyond the project lifespan.

This report is a product of the Sustainable Lifestyles in the Workplace project, supported by the Ministry of Environment of Japan, which aims to illustrate the workplace experience within sustainability projects and their measured impacts both within the hotel and in greater Marrakesh.

Report introduction

Workplaces are an environment of exchange, learning and work. A greener workplace can help lighten its ecological footprint, enhance environmental awareness with the added benefit of creating a healthier and more productive workforce. Sustainability policies in the workplace can inspire employees to go an extra mile by adopting similar good practices in their households and communities. Hence, the workplace can be shape the choices and habits of its employees towards a more sustainable living and lifestyles.

After determining a baseline of current sustainable lifestyles initiatives in Marrakesh workplaces, the project implementation phase was launched by disseminating an menu of possible actions which complimented the workshop’s discussions and acted as a reference for the details on high ecological impact, low effort actions that can be taken. A subset of efforts that are particularly relevant to Marrakech was compiled as well.

A number of workplaces that are environmentally-committed were eager to be part of the project. To further engage them, MAWARID experts visited and held discussions to diagnose and identify the experience and needs of each hotel to select the best fitting actions to be implemented. Each workplace picked three actions that fit their needs and conditions. The implementation phase lasted for three months during which MAWARID experts supported the hotels. Those actions, within this limited period of time, resulted in a significant reduction amount of CO2 emissions, waste reductions and eye-catching changes of employees’ attitudes and consumption habits. Most importantly it highlighted the potential for future efforts.

Association Mawarid

Environmental issues have now effectively become a local and national priority in many cities around the globe. Mawarid association was founded in Marrakesh, Morocco in October 2009 by a team of young leaders dedicated to place environmental sustainability at the heart of public policy and debate.


Read more about Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme:

Downolad the report here.

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