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Strengthening NDC ambition through circular economy: the path for 1.5 degrees (UNEP, UNDP, UNFCCC)

The purpose of this high-level event is to highlight the why and how for integrating SCP and circular economy measures and perspectives into Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-term strategies. It also aims to share the experiences of countries that have been exploring how circular economy policies and actions can enhance GHG emission reductions and increase climate resilience. The event is co-organized jointly between UNEP/10YFP Secretariat, UNFCCC and UNDP.

As recognized in the Paris Agreement, sustainable consumption and production (SCP) plays a critical role in addressing climate change. Currently, the extraction and processing of natural resources accounts for approximately 50% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.[1] A systemic integration of material and resource efficiency across economic sectors is therefore critical to achieve 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement. For example, in G7 countries material efficiency strategies could reduce GHG emissions in the material cycle of residential buildings by 80 to 100 per cent by 2050[2].

Updating Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) provides a key opportunity to increase climate ambition in line with pathways towards 1.5°C goal. A guidance toolkit is being co-developed by UNDP, UNEP and UNFCCC for policy-makers and stakeholders to integrate circular economy, resource efficiency and SCP policies and measures into their NDCs and LT-LEDS. This will be through the application of proven tools for assessment, analysis, policy-making and impact reporting. This toolkit builds on the 1st edition of a joint guidance note on circular economy in NDCs produced in 2020[3]. This project is jointly supported by The Netherlands and the Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra.

 High-level opening remarks will be followed by a moderated discussion amongst Ministers and leaders of several UN organisations.



[1] International Resource Panel, Global Resource Outlook (2020).

 [2] International Resource Panel, Resource Efficiency and Climate Change: Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future (2020).

 [3] A 1.5°C World Requires a Circular and Low Carbon Economy (2020).

Published on November 3, 2021

Supporting document(s)

Event start date
12:30 pm
Event end date
01:45 pm

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