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Final report of 8 years of research for the textile industry.

  • Published on January 20, 2020
mistra future fashion was a research program focusing on circular economy aiming at a future positive fashion industry the program held a unique system perspective operating crossdisciplinary in a consortium with over 60 partners
The research focus is on Circular Economy, and how to enable today's linear industry to transform into a circular sustainable industry. With a system perspective, the is focus uniquely on the bigger picture and the interaction between the elements in the system. With an inter-disciplinary approach, the program attempts to understand and proceed on research on the most relevant areas within the system that needs to change. 1. How do we design for a circular economy? 2. How do we stimulate a more circular supply chain? 3. How can users contribute to a more sustainable fashion system? 4. How do we increase the textile recycling? The results have been shared through reports, seminars, workshops, projects and conferences.

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