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Sweden - Solar driven heat pump

  • Published on June 26, 2014
About one fifth of the world's energy consumption goes to heating and cooling which largely comes from fossil fuels. The need for new ideas that solve both environmental and economic challenges are great. Climatewell's solution is a solar-powered heat pump that goes by the name SolarChiller. According to the company, it can simultaneously achieve three completely different goals. The decreasing emission of carbon dioxide because the pump does not require any fossil fuel and partly need no electricity since it exclusively use renewable solar energy. Together, this technology helps to reduce the cost of both those who want to warm up and for those who want to cool down their property.
"Our Mission is to make a global sustainable energy supply possible by applying ClimateWell®'s unique heating and cooling technology" ( We have recently signed an agreement with General Electric and an as yet undisclosed large European group which means that they will begin production of heating and cooling systems with our technology as a foundation. The heat pump, which was developed with the support of VINNOVA Research & Grow program, meet today of great interest from both customers and investors, and is sold right now in 17 countries around the world. Production takes place in Climatewell's own factory in Spain. ClimateWell: Vinnova: Sanna Berg,, 08-473 32 28

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