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Life Cycle Assessment Network Uganda (LCA Network Uganda)

  • Published on June 19, 2019
The Uganda LCA Network was launched in April 2018 as a leading network of professionals of international repute in conducting Life Cycle Assessment studies.
The Life Cycle Assessment Network Uganda (LCA Network Uganda)’s goal is to promote life cycle thinking in Uganda in support of sustainable development. Its key objectives include: - providing a forum for LCA issues in Uganda to act collectively on matters concerning LCA - popularizing LCA in academic institutions for inclusion in the curricula - establishing and maintaining a database of LCA experts and research work to promote better information exchange among members and other interested parties. The network is governed by a Steering Committee comprising of six members. Working with the Uganda National Bureau of Standards and Kyambogo University, the network members had conducted life cycle assessment and carbon footprint pilot studies based on ISO TS 14067 and ISO 14040 at two local companies for pineapple products, hot pepper, coffee, sugar, papaya and briquettes. In addition, 25 participants were trained on the ISO 14040 methodology for LCA. The network plans to build a pool of trainers at the national level through training of LCA trainers, establish exchanges with other similar networks and take up training in product category rules (PCR) development particularly for agricultural produce. Get in touch with Paul Walakira via the One Planet network website for more information.
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