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  • Published on October 21, 2020
These special virtual effects can help create an ambience to make consumers feel and experience almost the same way as in real life; which will give the option for consumers to really choose to travel to a destination that will soon be exclusive with limited allowance on number of people at one time. Or, enjoy with the feel to have visited a place without leaving home country. Either way, it will benefit both the suppliers & the consumers. This will tremendously further reduce our carbon foot print and will have positive impact on climate change; less air, road or sea travel.
Views and decisions by our fellow human beings after the pandemic will never going to be the same as before; especially for Tourism & Hospitality, where human interactions and visiting places are our core selling product. For example, important revenue making segment M.I.C.E market will become unpopular since social distancing is mandated. Nevertheless, there are several ways to make the Tourism Industry to recover back and to stay sustainable, but it will not be without a price. Visiting famous destinations will become exclusive with limited quotas. Technology will play an even more important role in coming days. Before visiting a place we will have all the information using Computer Generated –Imagery (CGI). Technology will be used to create AR, MR, and VR for a particular destination. It will create a preliminary experience for a traveler to feel the ambience of the place before he/she actually purchase a package to visit the destination. Examples of a few already in practice today… -Wal-Mart offering VR Tour to showcase new products for consumers. -Fashion Industry in Paris have hosted first-ever virtual couture fashion week. -Education Industry: We at NATH, Inc have hosted several Virtual online workshops and seminars for public to give awareness programmers for overseas universities. -Entertainment Industry: Theme park at Universal Studios already has created a virtual reality where a person can experience hurricane by using special effects such as sounds, lighting, and 360 video. These special virtual effects can help create an ambience to make consumers feel and experience almost the same way as in real life; which will give the option for consumers to really choose to travel to a destination that will soon be exclusive with limited allowance on number of people at one time. Or, enjoy with the feel to have visited a place without leaving home country. Either way, it will benefit both the suppliers & the consumers. This will tremendously further reduce our carbon foot print and will have positive impact on climate change; less air, road or sea travel. Learn the 4 R’s: NATH explains how it works. Refuse: e.g: If you were bombarded with marketing companies and ads offering big discounts to buy packages for travel destinations; say "No thank you, we can experience similar in our local area”. Reduce: e.g: Only if it is very essential or an emergency situation, do travel. Reuse: e.g: Try to find similar activities in your area or within your countries that will give the same purpose Recycle: e.g: Repeated customers get VIP membership and discounted price. These 4 R’s will re-help Circular Economy in our Tourism Industry in the long run and help to be sustainable. It will be more effective if our vision are implemented to IT sector, Entertainment industry, and Travel consultants for dissemination our imitative worldwide. Social media and online news are fastest way to triggered attention. Contact NATH,Inc for consultation

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