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Decree on eco-design of energy related products

  • Published on February 21, 2022

Introduction of obligatory ecological requirements for energy-related products, and alignment with EU technical and energy regulation.

Energy Efficiency (EE) is nowadays one of the most important policies tackling the climate changes issue and sustainable growth as well. This is recognized in the EU through the so-called Energy Efficiency First principle, which recognizes that the biggest domestic energy source is energy efficiency. Setting the demanding targets for EE for the period until 2030, and after, should establish the path for sustainable energy production and consumption. In achieving these goals, the EU has introduced requirements in technical regulations for products in mass consumer use, which influence much final energy consumption, in order to reduce energy consumption.

Eco-design directive (2009/125/EC) pushes the producer side to implement new and creative solutions in designing phase and to produce products with minimal influence on the environment. The requirements mostly target decreasing energy consumption through the whole life cycle of the products, as well as reducing the emission of pollutants into the air and water, noise, and existence of spare parts.

Eco-design regulation targets producers to design highly efficient and ecologically acceptable products.

Besides obvious effects in reducing energy consumption, by encouraging production of efficient appliances, Serbia will reach to comply with the energy efficiency regulations and the same obligation for producers and suppliers will be prescribed in Serbia as in EU.

Serbia transposed framework directive 2009/125/EC through the Decree on eco-design in December 2021., and single implementing measures for different products will be transposed as Rulebooks. In the EU currently is around 30 different products covered by implementing measures, both household appliances as well as industrial machines, and Serbia intends to introduce, step by step, eco-design measures for all these products.

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