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The Critical Move – Finland's Road map to the Circular Economy 2.0

  • Published on December 23, 2019
The updated Finnish road map to a circular economy describes the vision, strategic goals and concrete actions that can accelerate the transfer to a circular economy in Finland by 2025.
Strategic goals - Renewal of the foundations of competitiveness and vitality, putting the focus of circular economy solutions on competitiveness and an economic growth strategy. - Making a shift to low-carbon energy; in addition, we need to promote the efficient use of energy and set more ambitious goals in our climate and energy policies. - Natural resources are regarded as scarcities, because to reach the climate targets of the Paris Agreement consumption and production in Finland can no longer be based on the limitless use of natural resources. - Everyday decisions act as catalysts for change. Cutting our carbon footprint in half by 2030 requires the adoption of a new kind of approach to ownership, in terms of culture, taxation and income distribution.

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