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Climate Change Act of 2009 (RA 9729)

  • Published on January 17, 2020
To systematically integrate the concept of climate change in various phases of policy formulation, development plans, poverty reduction strategies and other development tools and techniques by all agencies and instrumentalities of the government. The RA 9729 serves as the basis for programming interventions to mitigate and adapt on the impacts of climate change. Assistance to small and medium enterprises/industries in developing capacity for eco-efficient production and through various training and extension activities.
The country's indicator is to account a decrease of annual damage and losses (crops and properties) due to natural disasters, environmental hazards, human induced and hydro-meteorological events. The law directed the formulation of the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2011-2028, country's climate change strategic framework strategy. The NCCAP prioritizes sustainable way of living through food security, water sufficiency, ecological and environmental stability, human security, climate-smart industries and services, sustainable energy, and knowledge and capacity development. It can be accessed at

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