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Promoting healthy eating and physical activity to prevent overweight and obesity in schoolchildren

  • Published on January 9, 2020
In Cuba, there is a high prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population with an increasing trend, associated, among other factors, to inadequate food patterns. In particular, children are affected by this problem, hence the urgent need for them to adopt healthy food patterns, as well as of adopting public policies and systems that promote nutritious and accessible food for all, based on the environment protection and the sustainable use of natural resources.
• Generate and use knowledge for the prevention of overweight and obesity and the promotion of healthier and more sustainable lifestyles in schoolchildren. • Implement interventions with a multi-sectoral, community and sustainability approaches. • Creation of supportive environments for the prevention of overweight and obesity in school, family and at community level. • Change in the food habits of people involved in the project, based on the empowerment of the individual as a promoter of healthy habits and more sustainable lifestyles (1731 children from urban and rural schools and their families; 450 adults, among them, health and education professionals, food producers and marketers). • Stop the increasing trend of the overweight and obesity prevalence in schoolchildren involved in the project, their families and local community, as a result of food culture increase and physical activity, and the adoption of healthier and more sustainable diets. • Modification in the responses of local food systems, based on changes in food consumption patterns by the families participating in the project. Consolidate the inter, trans and multidisciplinary approaches to address the problem of overweight, obesity and sedentary lifestyle in an integral way, considering the socio-cultural aspects of the communities to positively influence everyday behaviors, in order to improve their quality of life and reduce the impacts of consumption on the environment, the economy and society.
Project start date
Project end date

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