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The Long Run Members Annual Reporting

  • Published on November 30, 2018
The Long Run is a community of like-minded, innovative people committed to leveraging the power of their business for the health of the planet and the well-being of people. Fellow Members of The Long Run own, directly manage or significantly influence the management of a natural area of conservation value whilst Affiliate Members represent individuals or organisations who ethos is aligned with The Long Run’s vision and mission. Each member of The Long Run submits annual progress reports on their strategic plan to achieve sustainability in their context
The annual reporting exercise held by The Long Run aims to track members progress on their sustainability journey. As a tourism business, which owns, manages or significantly influences natural areas of ecological importance, a member can join the community as a FELLOW MEMBER. As an organisation, business or professional that is committed to sustainability and aligned with The Long Run vision and mission, a member can join our unique community as an AFFILIATE MEMBER. Affiliate Members collaborate with other members, support The Long Run community in pursuing its vision and inspire others to grow the movement. The annual reporting assesses the increased impact achieved by the members, and provides an annual feedback and input on how to further increase positive impacts on the ground.

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