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Adopt a Community

  • Published on February 4, 2020
Is a program created by SUSTAINABLE RIVIERA MAYA, through the third pillar of the SUSTAINABLE MEXICO initiative, which was created to support in LONG TERM a community in need, in the mayan region, capable to develope INNER MOTOR, PRIDE OF BELONGING and ECONOMICAL ENGINES from their ORIGINAL WISDOM, without leaving the countryside but being part of the productive chain of tourism, without losing their values. Raising awareness on their NATURAL, CULTURAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL capital
1. Raise awareness among inhabitants of the selected community, since 2018 CHUMPON IN QUINTANA ROO, MEX, of their inner values, NATURAL, SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND ECONOMICAL UNIQUENESSES 2. Create the sense of community among them 3. Raise awareness of their own role in tourism WITHOUT LEAVING COMMUNITY 4. Empowering KIDS, WOMEN, ELDERS to be able to feel proud of themselves 5. Create a good data base - through ethnographic interviews - of their real needs 6. Support important processes and motivate kids towards higher education, women towards self-empowerment, elders towards wisdom 7. Support in case of crisis: flas flood, fire, lost of hope... 8. Support EDUCATION towards: responsible and local consumption, responsible care of the CENTENARY TREE - ICONIC, value of local BIRDS, FLOWERS, JUNGLE SPECIES, CULTURAL HERITAGE, 9. Support the INCLUSION OF CENTENARY TREE IN LEGISLATION AS A MONUMENT 10. CREATION of local groups of kids, women and elders, supporting the DEDICATED CARE of the NATURAL AND CULTURAL CAPITAL - Guardians. 11. Take to them MEDICAL CARE, MUSICIANS - LIVE SHOWS - , MOTO DRIVERS, school supplies, water supply when flooded, HOME SUPPLIES WHEN FIRE, books, clothing, etc. 1. The tree STOPPED to be a trash can 2. KIDS - Guardians, cleaned up the place and placed a poster [hand-made] fostering the CARE OF PLANET EARTH 3. One of the inhabitants started a program to Educate kids TO ASSESS BIRDS, FLOWERS, JUNGLE, and Elders as their UNIQUENESSES 4. GUARDIANS are commited and do their job, caring of the tree 5. Women have created new capabilities for economical development 6. All kids had school supplies for period 2019-2020 7. Five visits of medical care and medicines given as needed 8. Playful encounters 9. Educational Encounters - wildlife, "cenotes", water underground system, BIG TREES, NEVER KILLING AGAIN a bird, changing the spring to binoculars 10. They are now visualizing opportunities to CREATE EDUCATIONAL BIRD WATCHING TOURS, "BIG CATS" PHOTO SAFARY - which involves CARING THE JUNGLE, stop waste in public spaces, respect wildlife, 1. Coming to one of the visits 2. Supporting financially 3. Adding specialists in: financial education, capability creation, or YOUR INITIATIVE 4. Supporting BIRD WATCHING EXPERIENCES 5. Supporting local consumption of their jams - created with tropical fruits 6. PROMOTING IN GENERAL: Mayan Culture Alive

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