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Hola! Consumo Responsable (Hello Responsible Consumption) campaign launch

  • Published on July 5, 2021
Activating consumers in Ecuador to act responsibly and to assume their role in facing the environmental crisis

Over the past few years humankind has been facing many challenges as a result of the environmental issues that continue to pile up. Climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution are just a few of the problems that affect and will continue to affect general well-being and even mankind’s survival. In that sense, the environmental crisis is undeniably a pressing issue that calls for action from different actors such as governments, companies, and consumers.

It may not seem so when one looks at one single consumer, but, when analyzing the big picture, it is evident that the way that people consume has a high impact on the environment. Current consumption levels coupled with unsustainable choices by consumers contribute to the climate change and its disastrous consequences. The world needs active consumers, who assume their role in favour of sustainable development.  

In this context, CERES (Corporación Ecuatoriana para la Responsabilidad Social & Sostenibilidad) is launching a new campaign to activate and inform consumers  to address the issue of responsible consumption in Ecuador: the "Hola Consumo Responsable” (Hello Responsible Consumption).

The initiative is part of the UNEP’s project “Advancing and measuring sustainable consumption and production for a low-carbon economy in middle-income and newly industrialized economies” (Advance SCP) and is also part of the Ecuadorian project “Proyecto Ecuador Produce y Consume Sostenible” (Ecuador Produces and Consumes Sustainably Project).

With more than thirty institutions as partners, “Hola Consumo Responsible” aims at sensitizing consumers about their role as responsible consumers towards society, but also towards the environment. It does so by presenting four main actions and by detailing activities that lead to sustainable consumption:

1. Inform yourself (Infórmate)

2. Decide (Decídete)

3. Take charge (Encárgate)

4. Take action (Actívate)

Guide on Responsible Consumption to be directly downloaded from the initiative’s website will be made available for consumers.

For further information, or to sign up as a partner, we encourage you to contact

We also invite you to attend the Webinar for the official launch of the Hola Consumo Responsable campaign.

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