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NOAH - for animal rights

NOAH – for animal rights is a Norwegian animal rights organization founded in 1989. NOAH has grown into the biggest non-profit organization for animals in Norway that also engages in international cooperation with other environmental and animal rights organizations on a wide variety of topics. Today, NOAH has about 16 000 members, and many active supporters committed to promoting NOAH´s message of respect for animals. The two main areas that NOAH focuses on are wildlife conservation (habitats and endangered species, wildlife trade) and climate change via promoting a shift away from animal production for food to a plant-based food production and consumption. These two areas are closely connected, as plant-based food production will save many habitats, forested and marine areas, that in turn will help to stop species loss and the destruction of ecosystems. Both are important to keep global warming within the critical limits. NOAH analyzes the health and environmental impact of current meat consumption both in Norway and internationally, through contact and collaboration with researchers, universities and other professional bodies. NOAH presents the vegetarian option to the public in many different ways: film screenings, lectures at schools, distribution of thousands of vegetarian brochures at festivals and events, and distribution of free vegetarian food to the public. Our hope for the future is a food system where we produce food crops for human consumption everywhere possible – in cities, on rooftops, vertical and indoor farming, green houses heated with renewable energy and former grasslands used for planting a large diversity of food crops. Using new techniques and innovation to make these production systems possible, and to create new food products using new technologies. In addition, we utilize the vast resources of seaweed along the coastline – planting and harvesting seaweed for nutritious and climate-positive foods for a growing population. 



