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International Aviation Waste Management Association

International Aviation Waste Management Association (IAWMA) is an independent, Canadian registered, non-profit organization whose mission is to advance evidence-based knowledge and adoption of the circular economy within global aviation. The IAWMA provides stakeholders with a base of research and expert knowledge to assist the aviation industry's transition to a circular economy, which is proven to create profound economic, environmental, and societal benefits. The IAWMA, along with its members, sponsors, and stakeholders, leads aligned advocacy, establishes and builds collection-chain programming, and champions the need for more industry-wide waste standards globally.

Role in programme(s):


In the framework of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, the International Aviation Waste Management Association commits to:

  • Encouraging affiliated organizations and businesses or partners to join the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative
  • Advising and guiding affiliated organizations and businesses or partners to improve plastic management practices by uniting the marketplace and collectively offering guidance to regulators for future policy initiatives.
  • Communicating successes to affiliated organizations and businesses, partners, key stakeholders, and the public media through direct communications, social media posts, and events.
  • Reporting publicly annually on progress made in the implementation of the Initiative