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Success stories in socially responsible public procurement - Using public spending to drive improvements for workers in global supply chains

  • Published on July 11, 2017
Reporte en el ámbito del  The Landmark Project y Setem Catalunya, de historias de éxito en compras públicas socialmente responsables en Europa, con foco en los aspectos sociales. Presenta dos tipos de historias de éxito: Licitaciones que incorporan la responsabilidad social y Procesos exitosos establecidos para gestionar compras públicas socialmente responsables. Report within the scope of The Landmark Project and Setem Catalunya about success stories in socially responsible public procurement in Europe, with focus on the social aspects. It presents two types of success stories: “Tenders that incorporate social responsibility” and “Successful processes set up to manage socially responsible public procurement”.
Each success story presents:: - Details on the particular tender process, including the product category - Details of the methods of contract monitoring or process management - Results and impact so far - Transferability and lessons learned from each success story

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