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  • Published on October 27, 2014
When the elementary school students of today are adults in the year 2020, experts believe the world will be hotter, the weather and climate less stable and that there will be food and water shortages. To make the earth where people will be able to live indefinitely into the future, elementary students need to be made aware of what is happening in the world. Our fervent hope is that this text will play a part in helping these students blossom into individuals who are able to be aware of what is occurring in the world and consistently think of what should be done for mankind and the world. With this in mind, UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) and UNEP (the United Nations Environment Programme) came up with the youthXchange, an environmental education program targeting people primarily between the ages of 15 and 25. This is an effort that uses "things" or objects in our everyday lives to get people to think about the planet as well as society and its structure. This project is taking place in 19 countries. For more information in English, take a look at the youthXchange homepage.

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