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Global Tourism Plastics Initiative




Destinations are requested to make the following commitments by 2025 to become signatories:

  1. Endorse the common vision.
  2. Commit to integrate the circularity in the use of plastics into our policies well ahead of 2025 in order to realise and report tangible progress by 2025. For this, we will collaborate with relevant institutions (e.g. Ministries of Environment, Industry, etc), at country and/or destination level, and address the following areas:
  • Stimulating elimination of problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging or items; 
  • Encouraging reuse models where relevant, to reduce the need for single-use plastic packaging and/or items;
  • Promote/incentivise the use of reusable, recyclable, or compostable plastic packaging and/or items; 
  • Support initiatives that aim at increasing collection, sorting, reuse, and recycling rates, and facilitating the establishment of the necessary infrastructure and related funding mechanisms;  
  • Support initiatives that aim at stimulating the demand for recycled content across all plastic packaging and items used by 2025.

3. Promote the engagement of travellers on recycling and reuse throughout their journey at a destination to support behaviour change.

4. Collaborate with the private sector, NGOs, and other destinations towards achieving the vision and objectives of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative.

5. Publicly report and communicate on progress of the implementation of commitments annually across the tourism value chain.

We recommend the following steps for destinations to become signatories:

  1. Download the Signatory Pack for Destinations for additional guidance to develop your commitments.
  2. Download the Terms of Reference of the Initiative to understand its background.
  3. Prepare your commitments offline and get internal validation from Management.
  4. Complete the online signatory form below for destinations with the final version of your commitments.  Please note that the signatory commitment form must be completed in one session and cannot be saved, so be sure to have all your information available at the time of commencing this form.
  5. The Coordination Team will contact you with feedback or the final version of your commitments in PDF that you would need to return signed by your Management. It is strongly suggested that this commitment be signed by C-Level Leadership or equivalent.

For more information, Contact us.


Thank you again for your interest in joining the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative and for taking action to transition to circularity in the use of plastics.