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Food Systems Coordination Hub announced

  • Published on January 13, 2022

The first-of-its-kind UN Food Systems Summit brought together millions of people from all around the world – both in person and virtually – ready to take action to transform our food systems. And as we look ahead to 2022, Secretary-General António Guterres has committed the UN system to jointly lead a Food Systems Coordination Hub to support the follow-up. Taking over from the Food Systems Summit Secretariat, the Coordination Hub will help draw on the best of the UN System and all constituencies to build on the momentum and deliverables that emerged through the Summit process to achieve the 2030 Agenda and sustainable food systems for all.

The first-of-its-kind UN Food Systems Summit brought together millions of people from all around the world – both in person and virtually – ready to take action to transform our food systems. And as we look ahead to 2022, Secretary-General António Guterres has committed the UN system to jointly lead a Food Systems Coordination Hub to support the follow-up. Taking over from the Food Systems Summit Secretariat, the Coordination Hub will help draw on the best of the UN System and all constituencies to build on the momentum and deliverables that emerged through the Summit process to achieve the 2030 Agenda and sustainable food systems for all.

Following these consultations, the Deputy Secretary-General, the Special Envoy, and the Principals of the Rome-based Agencies (RBAs), the Un Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Development Coordination Office (DCO) agreed on further steps. The Executive Office of the Secretary-General is issuing this Information Note to inform Member States and key partners on how the UN System will engage in accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Purpose of the Hub:

  • The Hub will align itself with existing UN functions and capacities in its work and existing structures and mechanisms.
  • The Hub will act as the catalyst inside the UN system in relation to food systems and the 2030 Agenda. Replacing the time-bound Food Systems Summit Secretariat, the Hub will take on essential coordination functions to bring together and link food systems knowledge and expertise from diverse constituencies, including through a Stakeholder Advisory Group, to support national progress on the SDGs in response to country priorities. This includes:
    • continued support to food systems national dialogues and national pathways through the
      coordination of technical and policy support requested by countries as they formulate and
      implement national pathways for food systems transformation;
    • staying connected with the broader ecosystem of actors for sustainable food systems,
      including Coalitions and other initiatives as well as the science ecosystem, and promote the
      better integration of these efforts with country demand; and,
    • the elevation of priority topics in the food systems transformation agenda for strategic
      thought leadership of UN Agencies and leading actors in the ecosystem of support.

To learn more, read the Information Note.

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