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Trainer‘s Kit - Eco-labelling: What it is and how to do it

  • Published on May 9, 2017
This trainer's kit is part of the training handbook "Eco-labelling: what it is and how to do it". Contains all the necessary information needed to understand the concept of eco-labelling, and more specifically, the institutional and operational setup of the European Eco-label. This trainer's kit has been produced by UN Environment in collaboration with InWEnt Capacity Building International
The handbook addresses issues such as: Why and how eco-labels can contribute to environmental efficiency; How the eco-label is applied to product groups at hand in the project; The technological requirements needed to obtain the EU Flower certification; The successful marketing of products once eco-label certification obtained; and the role of government and civil society organisations in promoting and increasing the effectiveness of eco-labels. The handbook is specifically designed for industry, government and other stakeholders interested not only in improving their understanding on these issues, but also to be able to prepare and deliver similar trainings in their own countries, adapted to the specifics and context of their own situations. The training handbook is the result of the fruitful work completed by a team of international experts who cooperated under the auspices of the UN Environment / European Commission project “Enabling developing countries to seize the eco-labelling opportunities”.

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