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Passaporte Verde

  • Published on February 13, 2018
Este é o seu passaporte para um turismo sustentável, que vai mostrar o quanto atitudes simples podem tornar sua viagem recompensadora, mais integrada à natureza e mais aberta à cultura local, com muitos benefícios para a comunidade que o recebe. The Green Passport Campaign, an initiative of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism Development, aims to introduce the potential traveler to some of the things they can do to make tourism a sustainable activity.
Through travel guides, websites and other activities, the campaign helps tourists minimize their footprints by choosing the least polluting form of transport, finding low-impact accommodation options, improving their energy efficiency at destinations, offsetting the inevitable carbon emissions of their trip, and providing sustainability tips to help improve livelihoods in host communities. It provides 5 phases to support travelers; planning my trip, getting there, getting around, before going back, and after my trip.

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