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Nordic Cooperation: Towards a Nordic textile strategy Collection, sorting, reuse and recycling of textiles

  • Published on March 30, 2015
The proposed Nordic textile strategy provides a starting point for the work towards a more sustainable textile and fashion sector in the Nordic region. It is focused on the increased collection, sorting, reuse and recycling within the Nordic region and thereby provides one part in the sustainability puzzle for the sector.
The proposed Nordic textile strategy provides a starting point for the work towards a more sustainable textile and fashion sector in the Nordic region. It is focused on the increased collection, sorting, reuse and recy- cling within the Nordic region and thereby provides one part in the sus- tainability puzzle for the sector. There is a larger picture which is touched upon in the sub-report of green jobs and competitiveness of Nordic region which to a further extent include consumption, design and other relevant areas that have largely been outside the scope of the project. The greatest potential for green jobs are connected to increased col- lection, sorting and sales of used textiles with possibly over 4,000 jobs and 30,000 work training opportunities. The key for increasing the Nor- dic regions competitive advantage is in making Nordic textile companies more profitable in the sustainability segment of textiles. The proposed strategy includes targets for collection, sorting, reuse and recycling of textiles. The format for the targets are suggested, but ac- tual target levels should be discussed and negotiated with all relevant actors in the textile and fashion sector. Clear and ambitious targets are key for a successful implementation of the strategy. A total of 13 necessary changes for increased collection, sorting, re- use and recycling have been identified. They relate to increased trans- parency, consumer behavior, increased active lifetime of textiles, in- creased levels and quality of collection, sorting, reuse and recycling and a reduced use of toxic compounds in textiles. The strategy consists of 14 proposed policy measures divided into the four categories Nordic commitment, measures supporting increased collection of textiles, measures supporting new business models and other measures. The Nordic commitment is covered in the sister project the Nordic textile reuse and recycling commitment and suggestions for expansion of this are suggested here. The group other measures include measures to support increased sorting and high grade recycling of tex- tiles. The 14 measures are diverse i character and range from invest- ment to information to cover the complex issues of the textile and fash- ion sector and affect a wide range of actors. The flows of textiles, whether new, used or in the form of waste will likely continue to increase slightly for the coming years for all Nordic countries. See Attached Report

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