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Global School Feeding Sourcebook Lessons from 14 countries

  • Published on March 11, 2022

This Sourcebook is the third analysis of school feeding by the WFP, in collaboration with the World Bank and PCD, and was produced in response to demand from governments and development agencies for operational guidance on the operational experiences of national programs. This analysis uses a standardized approach to provide a more in-depth understanding of individual programs from 14 different countries, and then to compare their case studies to see what lessons can be learned. The following 14 countries were selected to provide diversity in geography, approach, and development: Botswana, Brazil, Cape Verde, Chile, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mali, Mexico, Namibia, Nigeria, and South Africa.

The Sourcebook has two main objectives. First, to provide detailed case studies on individual programs as practical examples of the strengths and challenges of implementing national programs at scale; and second, to identify good practices by analyzing the immense diversity of approaches that are used by national programs. The overall goal of the Sourcebook is to support learning and knowledge exchange among countries which are looking to strengthen and scale-up their national programs. The overall message is that there is no ‘one size fits all’ for school feeding programs (Figure 1). Context is key, with different school feeding approaches being suited to different country situations. While there is no one ‘best’ model, there are many good practices across the programs, and these are highlighted in the analytical sections of the Sourcebook. The case studies also show that the programs have evolved over time, often quite rapidly, demonstrating that programing for school feeding is typically a dynamic process which benefits from ongoing learning and adaptation. Comparing different programs is one way to determine which efficiencies and innovations can be usefully shared across countries.

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