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Evidensia Online Library

  • Published on January 8, 2021
Evidensia's online library is the storehouse for all the site's content. It includes content from synthesis papers (research that synthesises results from multiple individual studies), empirical studies (Data-driven research at the field level), monitoring reports (trends over time, drawn primarily from internal monitoring activities), modeling studies (research that uses modelling techniques to assess patterns or make broader inferences), descriptive information (documents or other resources explaining concepts, approaches, programmes and the operation of tools), briefings or opinions (opinion pieces, briefing papers, blogs and other resources).
Evidensia provides a comprehensive library of all relevant research on the impacts and effectiveness of supply chain sustainability tools. Evidensia is also constantly at work with researchers and other organisations to progressively fill the gaps in the site content and knowledge gaps in the field. All content that is selected or submitted to the site is screened for basic research quality norms that includes clear information on the research's design, data collection and analysis methodology as well as clarity on publishers. We will only reject content that is either irrelevant to the site or does not meet these basic quality criteria.

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