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Consumer information brochure delivered with LONGTIME® certified products on the longevity benefits of the product

  • Published on February 12, 2021
1) Sustainable Consumption. Consuming products that last longer means consuming less and taking better care of objects. The label provides consumers for the first time with reliable, independent and verified information about the durability and repairability of goods and raises awareness of responsible consumption. Hence, it promotes and induces a major behaviour change of consumers. They are empowered to act informed, easily and responsibly in line with the SDG12 objectives. The poorest households are the first impacted by premature obsolescence because they tend to purchase entry-level products which are more likely to be less repairable and less robust. They have become growingly frustrated with products failing prematurely, but finally have the reassurance and possibility to identify products designed to last. This limits their financial burden of early renewal and provides modest households with access to quality second hand products. Therefore, it increases their purchasing power and gives them access to quality and longevity at affordable prices.  The label is an incentive to enhance the value of the product and to use it for a longer period of time. 2) Sustainable Production. The management and extraction of resources - as part of the production phase of manufactured goods - generate a lot of greenhouse gases. Extending the lifespan of products is an excellent way to optimize resources and reduce environmental impacts. This extension leads to a reduction in the use of natural resources (raw materials, water, energy...) on the input side, a reduction of waste on the output side and, as a consequence, fosters a circular economy. Again, it is all about resource efficiency. LONGTIME® help industries that lack the benchmarks to turn to more virtuous practices and help them change their industry model toward a more qualitative production. It encourages manufacturers to differentiate from competitors by the quality of their products and not by their price. By inducing a major behavioural change for more sustainable production and consumption patterns, the label actively contributes to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
So far, we have labelled products within 7 different category groups and the interest from manufactures in growing. Feedback from our first customers is thoroughly positive and proves their willingness to pay for the label. Also, some manufacturers approached us on a voluntary basis. Even manufacturers that we are not yet able to work with (e.g. the textile industry). For consumers, a response to their demand for transparency in terms of sustainability, when purchasing. We want consumers to turn to sustainable products and use them sustainably. We therefore expect a reduction in the amount of waste from manufactured products and the elimination of planned and organized obsolescence practices. For manufacturers, a veritable value proposition providing them with visibility and competitive advantage. LONGTIME® has strong potential to be a driving force for change and to produce leverage effect on industries (based on the organic label dynamic). Finally, LONGTIME is well-positioned to become the norm in Europe and beyond. It could even lead to an auto-regulation based on LONGTIME® criteria for the industry. In terms of resource efficiency, environmental impact and human well-being, it is still too soon to have any feedback on our impact and we are not able to measure and quantify it.

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