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Strategic Framework of Consumption and Sustainable Production (MECPS) in Honduras

  • Published on July 7, 2018
The priority areas are: Sustainable Food Systems, Sustainable Cities, Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism, Consumer Information - Sustainable Acquisitions and Sustainable Value Chains in Manufacturing and Textile; In addition, the following cross-cutting areas were established: Support for Services - Business Innovation and Green Entrepreneurship, Promotion and Support for MSMEs, Chemicals and Waste, and Climate Change.
Promote the transition towards sustainable consumption and production patterns, through education, the adoption of sustainable lifestyles and the integration of actions, approaches and efficiency tools in the use of resources, in order to increase competitiveness and productivity of priority economic sectors for the country, while ensuring the protection of the environment, the generation of new opportunities for economic growth, inclusive and sustainable, reduces poverty and improves the quality of life of Honduran society. Specific objectives i. Increase sustainable productivity in the agri-food sector through the development of production practices that contribute to food security, reduce climate vulnerability, increase adaptation capacity and risk management. ii. Develop actions in cities that promote the efficient use and restoration of resources, environmental education, sustainable construction, resilience and adaptation to climate change, in order to improve the quality of life of the population. iii. Promote tourism under an environmentally sustainable model with resource efficiency actions to strengthen resilience to environmental degradation, increase the capacity to adapt to climate change and promote the competitiveness of the tourism sector. iv. Promote the generation of information and sustainable acquisitions that allow efficient use of resources through the purchase of goods and services with sustainability criteria, considering the stages of the life cycle, reducing environmental impacts and promoting compliance with social aspects . v. Promote competitiveness, job creation, growth, productivity and sustainability of the processes, products and services of the manufacturing, textile and MIPYME sectors, through the strengthening of value chains and the adoption of tools that promote the efficient use of the resources. saw. Promote innovation and green ventures in small, medium and large companies through the promotion of investments, access to financial products, which generate employment and poverty reduction. vii. Reduce environmental pollution, adverse effects on health and the impacts on the economy, by raising awareness, promoting and implementing tools for the management, production and sustainable consumption of chemical products and integrated management of solid waste. viii. Encourage the creation of alliances and align the efforts of different sectors of society to promote resource efficiency and the adoption of sustainable cons The country has intersectoral policy frameworks, among which the following stand out: i. National Strategy for Environmental Goods and Services (2007-2021): establishes a framework of needs and opportunities for the conservation and protection of natural resources through political, technical, financial and logistic efforts for the establishment of payment mechanisms for environmental services . This has been reinforced by the Forestry, Protected Areas and Wildlife Law (2007) and the General Water Law (2009). However, through the Special Regulation for the Implementation of Compensation Mechanisms for Ecosystem Goods and Services (2016), the concept of payment has been extended to compensation for ecosystem goods and services, establishing the minimum elements to order the development of mechanisms to community level, local, regional and national, to meet the objective of conserving and protecting natural resources. ii. National Policy and Strategy for Cleaner Production (2009-2021): establishes strategic guidelines to promote corporate environmental management, incorporating the preventive principle, with the aim of ensuring greater efficiency and profitability of processes and increasing competitiveness. However, the Strategy has not been sufficient to promote the generation of incentives directed to the different productive sectors of the country. iii. National Sustainable Tourism Strategy (2006-2021): establishes a set of specific strategies by regions in order to adopt a model of sustainable tourism growth, motivated not only by the generation of income but also the improvement of the quality of life of the Honduran society. iv. National Climate Change Strategy (2010) and the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change of the Agrifood Sector of Honduras (2015-2025): establish mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change, as well as climate risk management. The implementation of the MECPS, will depend on the interest and articulation of all the actors involved, said MEPCS is a tool that guides the action towards the change of consumption patterns and sustainable production in prioritized sectors and society in general. One of the priority actions is the establishment of mechanisms to make effective the implementation of said Strategic Framework: i. The creation of a permanent coordination entity. ii. The Promotion of Strategic Alliances. .1. Instance for permanent coordination This body will aim to coordinate the execution of the MECPS, monitor the development and fulfillment of the actions derived from its implementation, as well as the incorporation of the actions of the strategic guidelines in the national, sectoral and institutional planning, considering also a internal organization at political and technical level, which responds to each of the prioritized sectors in strategic areas, with the participation of the public and private sectors. The MECPS, in addition to guiding the issue of Sustainable Consumption and Production, becomes a mechanism for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. .2. Strategic alliances The adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns is only possible with the participation of all the actors in society. Therefore, it is necessary to establish strategic alliances between government institutions and other private or civil society actors. Currently, there are already some alliances between government institutions through inter-institutional agreements. However, it will be necessary to identify new alliances oriented to the management and facilitation of coordinated actions, identification of financing, as well as the elaboration of normative frameworks, technical and methodological tools for the achievement of the proposed objectives. that all interested parties such as government, academia, civil society and the private sector, among others, contribute to the achievement of the objective of sustainable development 12; Likewise, it is recognized that alliances and national initiatives among multiple stakeholders are an important component of any strategy that aims to mobilize all stakeholders around the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are happy to leave it up to the actors who will lead the implementation of this strategic framework, through the Secretariats of My Environment, Economic Development and General Government Coordination who will monitor the guidelines set forth in this important work that is designed under government policies. of management by results and commitment of country before the concert of the United Nations.
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