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RenOnBill - Residential building energy renovations with on-bill financing

  • Published on September 12, 2019
RenOnBill aims to scale up investments towards deep energy renovations of residential buildings by promoting the development and implementation of on-bill schemes, based on the cooperation between energy utilities and financial institutions.
RenOnBill’s overall objective is to scale up investments towards deep energy renovations of residential buildings by promoting the development and implementation of on-bill schemes, based on the cooperation between energy utilities and financial institutions. In particular, the project will: Analyse and define the residential building market context to enable replication of suitable OBS across Europe; Engage key stakeholders through national stakeholder platforms; Develop tools to address the residential sector’s energy renovation financing demand and assess and bundle investments based on a transparent methodology; Develop and implement business models in the three RenOnBill partner utilities through the development of pilot on-bill schemes. Utilise RenOnBill takeaway messages and the insights gained to support and disseminate EU-wide knowledge on OBS. These objectives correspond to the five RenOnBill pillars, which in turn constitute the methodology of the project. In order to reach these objectives, RenOnBill operates on four focus countries, namely Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Spain, because of their different characteristics, such as the climatic conditions and the availability of energy renovation support schemes. This allows analysis of replicating OBS in a variety of environments and country contexts within the EU. The success of the project will allow to take a huge step forward in reaching the European Union energy and CO2 targets and will have an important impact on the economic system, offering a win-win perspective for different actors: companies from the construction sector, energy services, utilities, investors, and ultimately for the society as a whole.
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