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Nature Positive+ Standard & Product Declaration: '....beyond Circularity'

  • Published on November 7, 2022

The development of a 'beyond circularity' metric and transparency declaration to develop product led Nature Positive outcomes in procurement and purchasing.

Our lead service that supports the shift to SCP is our Nature Positive Declaration (NPD) It integrates a raft of services we have previously offerred individually and adds key additional circular economy metrics to help supply chain, design and procurement professionals and consumers, choose more planet and people friendly products more easily and cost efficently, using robust science based metrics and targets. We also help manufacturers improve their products, be recognised more readily for the work they done and communicate the health and sustsinability benefits of their products more effectively, meaninfully and with less risk.

We are thought leaders in this field, and our lead project demonstrates this.

As important and as critical as the circular economy is as a concept, in practice it is inherently flawed currently. The metrics typically being used to measure its success and develop its processes include no nature-focussed metrics only resource-focussed.

Global GreenTag International's Nature Positive (NP ) Declaration project remedies this situation delivering a single product level NP metric with multiple, individual, key metrics backed-up with integrated detailed transparency reporting including:

  • Human Health risk including 'Asthma and Allergy Sensitive' assessment;
  • Environmental Toxicity risk;
  • A Material Circularity Calculator ;
  • Life Cycle Impact Analysis (LCIA): including traditional LCA mid-point indicators for Embodied Carbon/Climate; Embodied Water; Air, Water and Soil Pollution; Energy - Renewable and Fossil and Resource Consumption);
  • Life Cycle Benefit Analysis (LCBA): measuring positive benefit outcomes across all physio-chemical outcomes (how else does one measure whole-system outcomes of circular or natural systems (!?);
  • ILO compliance of Tier 1 & 2 suppliers and (UK and Australian legislation compliant, whole-supply-chain Modern Slavery risk assessment and Declaration (MSD).

Our existing globally recognised services, offered individually, also support the shift to SCP and SDG 12 and others:

  • Product Health Declaration (PHD): a product Human Health and Environmental Toxicity risk and HealthRATE rating including 'Asthma and Allergy Sensitive' assessment;
  • LCARate: a comparative life cycle analysis based multi-criteria rating that allows 'whole-of-life' & 'whole-sustainability' rating of a product compared to a 'Business as Usual' benchmark common to a whole functional category of products e.g. flooring. It allows one to answer and receive a scientifically valid and accurate answer to a question like 'what is the most sustainable flooring material' as it includes use- and end-of-life- phases;
  • GreenRate: a non-life cycle analysis based multi-criteria rating that allows 'whole-of-life' thinking based rating of a product;
  • CarbonRATE: is a product embodied carbon Mark, that recognised 'xx% carbon saved', Carbon Net-Zero' or 'Climate Positive xxx%' carbon outcomes;
  • Global GreenTag is also an EPD Program Operator undertaking ISO and EN compliant product declarations.
  • Manufacturer Claim Verifications (McV): Health, Sustainabiity and Resource focussed third party verified claims in the form of a GreenTag 'TAG'.


Project start date
Project end date

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