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Indicator Analysis of the Sustainable Development in UKraine

  • Published on March 22, 2019
This research project aims to scrutinize the current system of monitoring the sustainable development in Ukraine and to improve its consistency with the globally and regionally (EU) practiced ones in order to clarify the geospatial patterns across the country based on the international and national benchmarking. The project pursues academic and educational goals of the Regional Studies and Tourism Chair of the Geography Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
1. Scrutiny and critical analysis of indicators and studies of SR and SDG in Ukraine 2. Analysis of the consistency of the indicators of the SD and SDG Ukraine-UN; Ukraine-EU 5. Benchmarking the international experience of localization, monitoring, information representation, the policy of SD and implementation of the SDG 6. Information / digital transformation and sustainable development 7. Public-private partnership and sustainable development 8. Analysis of state strategic (profile) documents and budget programs/projects on compliance with the principles of SD and adapted for Ukraine SDG 9. Sustainable development and achievement of the CSR at the regional level 10. Comparability of STD/ Tourism for SDG Ukraine-UN, Global Council for Sustainable Tourism (GCST), World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), EU (ETIS) 11. Comparison of indicators of SR / Tourism for the UKRAINE-EU CSR. 12. Stable production and consumption in tourism 13. Benchmarking the international experience of localization, information representation, STD policy and implementation of the SDG in tourism. The project launched in January 2019 for three years of development. We expect to substantiate and operationalize the integrated system of SD-SDG indicators in Ukraine - feasibility, functionality, etc. The above will also pave the prospect for the sustainable tourism development observatory (INSTO-UNWTO network - Kaniv Nature Reserve of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) and the virtual tourist observatory in accordance with the requirements of the European Commission on the example (destination) of Kiev. Based on the substantiated system the geospatial patterns of SD-SDG implementation in Ukraine will gain a realistic view and findings will find dissemination, including the development of training on sustainable production in tourism (rural tourism) and implementation to the disciplines and traineeships in Master of Science Programmes "Political Geography", "Geoglobalistics and Regional Studies", "Tourism" and Bachelor Programmes "Geography" and "Tourism", including in the format of design studies, tasks of educational and production practice, study research works of students (coursework), qualification of research work of students (bachelor, master's degree). We welcome networking of the interested parties and stakeholders for agreement of partnership and cooperation proposals
Project start date
Project end date

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