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IFAD - Pro-poor Value Chain Development Project in the Maputo and Limpopo Corridors (PROSUL)

  • Published on September 29, 2014
The goal of PROSUL is to improve the livelihoods and climate resilience of smallholder farmers in selected districts of the Maputo and Limpopo Corridors
Increase incomes, enhance food security and reduce vulnerability for
smallholder farmers, particularly women and young people.
ASAP investments focus on:
-diversifying cropping systems
-experimenting with drought-resilient crop varieties
-promoting low-cost yet climate-resilient horticultural techniques
-providing efficient water management structures in drought-prone areas
-giving smallholders access to weather forecasting and finance.
The project has five components: Horticulture. With the support from ASAP, PROSUL is developing and promoting climate-resilient horticultural value chains in eight districts of Gaza and Maputo provinces. This includes the diversification of horticultural crops, the provision of low-cost protective housing to encourage year-round crop production, timely and efficient seedlings production, and the establishment of farmer field schools (FFSs). Climate-resilient technologies are demonstrated at the research stations of the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM). A meteorological facility is being set up in Gaza. Cassava: ASAP funding under PROSUL is promoting the sustainable intensification of cassava and the dissemination of sustainable fertilization and weeding practices. These strengthen the ability of households to participate in the cassava value chain without jeopardizing their food security. ASAP funding enables the efficient use of both surface and underground water to improve the productivity of local cassava processing plants, with due environmental considerations given to waste handling and disposal. For example, the waste processing water is being used to water the cassava nurseries, and if there is enough volume of physical waste, biogas plants can be promoted. Climate-resilient packages are being promoted through FFSs, and IIAM is experimenting with techniques such as sequential planting, harvesting, weeding and intercropping with farmers. The meteorological facility in Inhambane is also being improved. Red meat: The project is developing and promoting climate-resilient value chains for red meat in seven districts of Gaza and Maputo provinces. Specifically, the ASAP investment is supporting the development of community-based natural resource management plans, the promotion of climate-resilient livestock and grazing technologies, as well as practices to increase fodder production and soil carbon stocks. A private district-based network of veterinary pharmacies at the district level is also being established. Financial services: PROSUL investment is focusing on the development of financial mechanisms (grants, equities and loans) to enable smallholders to invest in 200 small and low-cost protective shade cloth greenhouses for seedling and year-round production. They will also give access to finance for water supply facilities at 24 cassava hubs and for private operators to seven livestock veterinary stores. PROSUL supports the design and building of a slaughterhouse biogas plant. Improved slaughterhouse waste management will reduce public health and environmental hazards, and gas emissions from livestock slaughtering operations. It will also provide an alternative energy source to help power the slaughterhouse meat processing equipment. Institutional support and project management: ASAP provides institutional and policy support to the Centre for the Promotion of Agriculture (CEPAGRI) to anchor climate change adaptation into the three targeted value chains. This includes: –– An institutional capacity needs assessment for mainstreaming the Mozambique climate change agenda within CEPAGRI –– Building the capacities of CEPAGRI staff with regard to the broader national and regional climate change agenda and the national climate change platform –– Developing linkages with relevant institutions and the Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR) cofinanced by the World Bank and African Development Bank. Expected Impacts: ASAP will enable 60,000 smallholder household members to be more resilient to climate change. This will be supported by the following specific results: An increase by 4,980 hectares of land managed under climate-smart crop production practices. Seven community-based natural resource management plans for climate-smart grazing. Horticulture component: 3,840 smallholder farmers (of whom 50 per cent are women) increase their incomes from horticulture through the adoption of climate-resilient technologies. Cassava component: Of the 8,000 farmers in Inhambane and Gaza participating in project activities, 4,800 farmers (50 per cent women) adopt sustainable technologies for cassava production in a changing climate. Red meat component: Of the 5,600 participating smallholder ruminant producers, 2,800 herders adopt climateresilient management of grazing areas. Institutional support and project management component: 10 CEPAGRI and project staff are trained and exposed to issues related to the broader national and regional climate agenda. Ambrosio Barros Nsingui Programme Officer IFAD Via Paolo di Dono, 44 Rome, Italy Tel: 39 06 5459 2196 Stephen Twomlow Climate and Environmental Specialist (ESA) IFAD Via Paolo di Dono, 44 Rome, Italy Tel: 39 06 54591
Project start date
Project end date

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