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Green nudging increased recycling in a Swedish municipality

  • Published on November 12, 2020
The project shows that householders who know the weight of their neighbours’ domestic waste generate less themselves. Around 13 000 households in Partille and Varberg municipalities recieved information about the waste of both their own and their neighbours waste, while the other 7,000 did not. On average the informed households reduced their domestic waste by between 8 and 10%, when compared to the uninformed households. This was due primarily to increased recycling.
The policy instruments aim to encourage sustainable consumption and production by increasing recycling and possibly also waste prevention. On average the informed households reduced their domestic waste by between 8 and 10%, when compared to the uninformed households. This was due primarily to increased recycling and is equal to a 150kg reduction in CO2 emissions per capita per year. Contact representative Partille municipality:, or project leader, Ratio Research Institute:

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