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Collective Landscape Italy

  • Published on March 9, 2021
Everybody Landscape Italy/ Ecovillage and "Sanctuaries" for Herbivores Everybody Italy Landscape We can buy the land. The money obtained through the Association work will be used for this project. There is only one rule; that is: obtaining the land to give it back to the Earth. This land will own to Ekosistem.This approach represents the future for our other generations. #EcologicalTransition #CollectiveLandscapeItaly
Everybody Landscape Italy/ Ecovillage and "Sanctuaries" for Herbivores Free scatterered Houses Ecovillage & "Sanctuaries" for Herbivores. Everybody Italy Landscape We can buy the land. The money obtained through the Association work will be used for this project. There is only one rule; that is: obtaining the land to give it back to the Earth. This land will own to Ekosistem.This approach represents the future for our other generations. #EcologicalTransition #CollectiveLandscapeItaly Ekosistem objective: Mitigate climate change, improve relations between Humans, Nature and Animals, work with biodiversity. Support the establishment of 'Herbivore Sanctuaries' in all the municipalities of Italy in order to promote a new strategy of coexistence and management for a theocentric society. Referring to the theory of "Integral non-violence" we propose the non-violence and supremacy of humans over animals, insects, fish and those who populate our planet itself. "All that is alive is sacred" We ask politics to support the development and innovation of civil society to grow a human model of immune activity in symbiosis and synergy with nature. A community of oxygen multipliers, supporters of innovative growth and social cohesion. Everybody Landscape Italy/ Ecovillage and "Sanctuaries" for Herbivores Free scatterered Houses Ecovillage & "Sanctuaries" for Herbivores. Everybody Italy Landscape We can buy the land. The money obtained through the Association work will be used for this project. There is only one rule; that is: obtaining the land to give it back to the Earth. This land will own to Ekosistem.This approach represents the future for our other generations. #EcologicalTransition #CollectiveLandscapeItaly Ekosistem objective: Mitigate climate change, improve relations between Humans, Nature and Animals, work with biodiversity. Support the establishment of 'Herbivore Sanctuaries' in all the municipalities of Italy in order to promote a new strategy of coexistence and management for a theocentric society. Referring to the theory of "Integral non-violence" we propose the non-violence and supremacy of humans over animals, insects, fish and those who populate our planet itself. "All that is alive is sacred" We ask politics to support the development and innovation of civil society to grow a human model of immune activity in symbiosis and synergy with nature. A community of oxygen multipliers, supporters of innovative growth and social cohesion. Everybody Landscape Italy/ Ecovillage and "Sanctuaries" for Herbivores Free scatterered Houses Ecovillage & "Sanctuaries" for Herbivores. Everybody Italy Landscape We can buy the land. The money obtained through the Association work will be used for this project. There is only one rule; that is: obtaining the land to give it back to the Earth. This land will own to Ekosistem.This approach represents the future for our other generations. #EcologicalTransition #CollectiveLandscapeItaly Ekosistem objective: Mitigate climate change, improve relations between Humans, Nature and Animals, work with biodiversity. Support the establishment of 'Herbivore Sanctuaries' in all the municipalities of Italy in order to promote a new strategy of coexistence and management for a theocentric society. Referring to the theory of "Integral non-violence" we propose the non-violence and supremacy of humans over animals, insects, fish and those who populate our planet itself. "All that is alive is sacred" We ask politics to support the development and innovation of civil society to grow a human model of immune activity in symbiosis and synergy with nature. A community of oxygen multipliers, supporters of innovative growth and social cohesion.
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