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  • Published on January 6, 2015
The EU project "Collaboration for housing nearly zero energy renovation" (COHERENO) makes a valuable contribution to achieving the EU's energy efficiency and climate protection goals. The project focuses on five countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway. By March 2016, these countries will develop proposals and concepts for promising cross-sector and company business models for high efficiency refurbishment of single-family houses to nearly zero-energy housing. The models are to pave the way for refurbishment from a single source. From financing, consulting and planning, right through to implementation – all parties in the construction process are to be involved. A major goal of COHERENO is to improve the quality of the construction measures by providing specific support to all stakeholders, thus increasing customer confidence. With these two key aspects, nearly zero-energy houses can gain credibility and acceptance, and win a higher market share.
This project aims at strengthening collaboration of enterprises in innovative business schemes for realising nearly Zero-Energy Building renovations in single family owner occupied houses. It focuses on eliminating barriers, providing enterprises with guidance on how to collaborate and develop services for the different market segments The network is primarily established at a national level and offers stakeholders a forum for sharing information and discussions. Events, workshops and presentations are also organised. This will allow existing business models to be improved, and new ones to be developed. Companies interested in cooperation, and those already involved in cooperation and experts are incorporated. At regional congresses, the project partners provide information in their countries on the findings obtained during the COHERENO project. During the project term, a number of documents will be produced to help establish existing cooperation methods and develop additional cooperation models. In addition to this, interim results will be summarised to provide an overview of best practice examples of nearly zero-energy houses in Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway. At the same time, interested parties can research tradesmen, planners and consultants involved in the construction process of nearly zero-energy buildings.

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