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  • Published on May 24, 2013
Deep building renovation represents one of the single most critical tools to massively lower Europe's CO2 emissions, create jobs in the construction sector and improve the quality of the existing built environment for the good of European citizens. BUILD UPON is an innovative two year Horizon 2020 project, aimed at helping European countries design and implement strong, long-term national strategies for the renovation of their existing buildings.
Since the Energy Efficiency Directive was agreed, many countries have struggled to define and implement comprehensive national renovation strategies to scale-up and deepen the rate of energy efficient improvements. BUILD UPON will guide a critical mass of key stakeholders across 13 countries through a structured process, working as a powerful collaborative community to design and implement the v2.0 national renovation strategies due to be in place by April 2017. A. STAKEHOLDER SYSTEM MAPPING All key organisations need to be at the table during this process. Detailed stakeholder systems maps will be produced for each project country to show precisely which organisations need to be partnering effectively to co- create and deliver a bolder vision for building renovation in Europe. These systems will be tracked throughout the project, looking at how they collaborate and conflict. B. RENOWIKI Proving a simple, accessible and quick overview of the many diverse renovation initiatives in each country (regulation, finance, training, research etc.). That's the aim of ‘RenoWiki', a tool that the BUILD UPON stakeholder community can use to ensure that everyone starts, and stays on the same page throughout the process, and that a complex landscape is built upon more strategically going forwards. C. IDENTIFYING BEST PRACTICE EXPERTISE BUILD UPON aims to ensure best practice sharing moves beyond information to action. The project sets aside a significant budget for each country to bring experts involved with best practice European renovation initiatives identified by the RenoWiki to their countries, to engage on how these initiatives could be replicated or adapted to overcome market barriers. D. SHAPING THE PROCESS The project team will work closely with governments and stakeholders to design a series of national and local events across major cities in the second year of the project, to engage on key issues for the strategies. The process will be designed to move away from traditional speaker-audience events towards 100% collaborative working and problem solving to ensure the full range of stakeholder expertise is actively utilised. E. THE COMMUNITY BUILDING PROCESS BUILD UPON will see a total of 88 project stakeholder workshops / conferences, with the vast majority held during the second year at local, national and European level. Reporting from these events will feed directly into the v2.0 national renovation strategy process and will track how effectively the stakeholder system is collaborating. F. CREATING AN INNOVATION INCUBATOR The stakeholder community BUILD UPON aims to create will be a powerful source of innovation and collaboration. Building on on-going work at national level, project concepts in the four following fields will be tested with a view to being mobilised by actors in the BUILD UPON community: financial innovation; business model innovation; public sector innovation; and behavioural innovation. Project launched in March 2015 James Drinkwater, Senior Policy Advisor, World Green Building Council
Project start date
Project end date

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