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Asia Pacific Green Public Procurement Partnership Project

  • Published on June 11, 2018
This project aims to build capacity of national governments in Asia-Pacific region in implementing green public procurement via the provision of policy consultation and technical assistance tailored to the needs of partner countries. The project will initially support two priority countries in the ASEAN region from 2017 to 2018.
Objectives and background: The primary objective of this workshop is to officially launch and roll out Asia Pacific Green Public Procurement Partnership project. Asia Pacific Green Public Procurement Partnership project is funded by Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) with implementation supported by UN Environment, Asia Pacific Office. The project will seek to strengthen the capacity of national governments in Asia-Pacific region to implement Green Public Procurement policies via the provision of policy consultations and technical assistance tailored to the needs of the countries involved. The project will be officially launched through the convening of this workshop and the project will run until June 2019. The project includes the following main activities: • Preliminary study for in-depth assessment of GPPEL status of selected number of countries and identification of key priority GPP sectors of the respective countries • Kick-off workshop that will explore the status and identify the gaps of Green Public Procurement and Eco-labelling (GPPEL) in ASEAN countries and present a capacity building plan for pilot sectors in the priority countries • Development of action plan for Green Public Procurement & Eco-labelling (GPPEL) policy consultation for two countries • Technical assistance for the implementation of Green Public Procurement based on action plans including Green Public Procurement implementation in priority sectors for the respective countries. • The convening of annual training workshops for two countries to share knowledge and knowhow gained from the implementation of Korea’s Green Public Procurement & Eco-labelling (GPPEL) • Final Workshop to share the lessons learned, guidelines and communication materials for replication in other countries and scaling up in other sectors To kick-start and officially launch this project the workshop will explore the following issues; • Introduce the Asia Pacific Green Public Procurement Partnership Project in the framework of Asia Pacific SCP roadmap and 10YFP SPP Programme • Present regional initiatives on GPPEL and discuss how to create synergies among them • Share the current status of Green Public Procurement and Eco-labelling of the selected countries in the region and identify common challenges and priorities Discuss how countries in the region can benefit from regional initiatives on GPPEL including Asia Pacific GPP Partnership Project and move forward Following are the main activities under this project: • Preliminary survey of current status of green public procurement and eco-labelling(GPPEL) and identification of capacity building needs of developing countries in the ASEAN region1 • Preliminary study for in-depth assessment of GPPEL status of four countries (Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam)2 and identification of two priority countries3 • Kick-off Workshop to convene a project launching ceremony; review current status and identify the gaps of GPPEL of ASEAN countries; and present a capacity building plan for pilot sectors in priority countries4 • Development of action plan for GPP policy consultation for two countries • Technical assistance for the implementation of GPP based on action plan including GPP implementation in priority sectors for the respective countries Annual training workshops for two countries to share knowledge and knowhow gained from the implementation of Korea’s GPPEL • Final Workshop to share the lessons learned, guidelines and communication materials for replication in other countries and scaling up in other sectors • Operation of project advisory committee comprised of UN Environment Economy Division, ICLEI Europe Office, UN Environment Asia Pacific, and KEITI to provide strategic direction of the project • Outreach (e.g. development of project flyers and project website, application for the use of 10YFP SPP Programme logo, etc.) • Dissemination of the outcomes and lessons learned (e.g. development and dissemination of case studies for two countries and training materials) Target audience: Policy makers, practitioners, and experts leading the design and implementation of green public procurement and eco-labelling policies in the ASEAN region. PARTNER COUNTRIES: Viet Nam and Thailand • The project will support the institutionalisation and implementation of green public procurement and eco-labelling through policy consultation and technical support. • Increased capacity and strengthened enabling environments in the project countries to stimulate markets for eco-friendly products and services • Increased capacity of partner countries to implement SDG target 12.7(SPP implementation) Photos Events Asia Pacific Green Public Procurement Partnership Project: Awareness-raising Workshop and Networking Session for GPP of Construction Sector in Thailand International Forum on Green Public Procurement: Green Public Procurement as a driver to achieve SDGs Asia Pacific Green Public Procurement Workshop For more information and query, please contact Ms. Aran Chae, researcher, Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute, and Mushtaq Ahmed Memon, Regional Coordinator, Resource Efficiency, UN Environment, Asia and the Paciffic,
Project start date
Project end date

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