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Resilient and Green Human Settlements Framework (RGHSF)

  • Published on March 5, 2023
Anchored on the key policies relative to climate and disaster resilience and the development of human settlements such as the PNUA, Climate Change Act, NDRRM, NUDHF, and NHUDSP, among others, the RGHSF was formulated to provide guidance on using green development and resilience-driven perspective in the development of human settlements.
The framework identifies Key Result Areas corresponding to the thematic areas and key principles in NUDHF and PNUA, namely: Resilient Population; Resilient and Green Land-use and Urban Planning; Balanced, Interconnected, and Climate-responsive Sustainable Development; Transformative Multilevel Climate Governance; Blue, Green, and Circular Economy; and Revitalized Housing and Basic Service. The KRAs are the desired outcomes from the development sectors to attain safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable communities.
The RGHSF supports sustainable consumption and production through its key results area on blue, green, and circular economy, to wit:
1. Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory;
2. Promotion of low-carbon housing value-chain;
3. Green financing for clean/green production;
4. Creation of and support to resilient and green jobs, livelihood, social enterprises, and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs);
5. Green products and materials certification;
6. Economic sectors’ transition to circular economy.

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