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Q.1. Policy title Toolbox Human Rights for Business and organizations.

  • Published on February 11, 2021
This toolbox aims to provide an accessible and user-friendly set of tools to guide organisations and their stakeholders in their human rights duties in the context of their activities. The toolbox also aims to inform organisations about how they can comply with these duties and, in case of an adverse human rights impact, how the implicated organisation can redress or compensate the direct and indirect victims. The mechanisms included in this toolbox are in some cases mandatory. In most cases, though, they are recommended good practices to avoid an organisation's activities producing adverse human rights impacts, or to mitigate the risk of this taking place. The main legal framework for this toolbox is composed by the international and national human rights laws in force in Belgium. In addition, the toolbox has been constructed in line with: • The United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations "Protect, Respect and Remedy" Framework (The UNGP) • Instruments in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that incorporate human rights compliance • Belgium's National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights: Action No. 1. In particular, this toolbox aims to equip organisations with the necessary skills to implement the second pillar of the UNGP – that is, the corporate responsibility to respect human rights. It also aims to explicitly set out organisations' legal duties with respect to human rights law under Belgian jurisdiction.

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