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Mountain Area Liechtenstein Comprehensive Tourism Strategy

  • Published on February 6, 2019
Tourism in Liechtenstein’s mountain region should also remain competitive in the future and achieve a solid level of occupancy rates both in summer and in winter. To meet this aim, the government have commissioned the development of a comprehensive tourism strategy. For this process all relevant stakeholders have been involved and attended a 4 days workshop. Now the strategy will be implemented by a strategic group also representing all relevant stakeholders.
The main goal is to formulate the sustainable strategy and to implement it step by step. Additional a structure of all relevant stakeholders should be put in place to guarantee a long term success of the implementation. Since the new construction of the mountain railways, there have only been selective strategies for the mountain area. Now, the aim is to formulate a common strategy. This should in turn enable coordinated marketing activities and products of the various local providers in the future. In this way, efficient and effective work can be guaranteed. gutungut manages the complete process. Different interest groups are involved from the beginning. This ensures that the interests of the government, tourism service providers, local farmers/businesses, environmental associations and sports associations are considered. To reinforce the theme, a workshop week was held, where all actors collaborated on the strategy together. Regular roundtables offer the possibilities for all stakeholders to be involved in the further development.

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