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Lei nº 12.187/2009 - Instituiu a Política Nacional de Mudança do Clima.

  • Published on July 11, 2017
Law that enacts the National Policy on Climate Change in Brazil and aims to provide an institutional structure and resources dedicated to the protection of the environment from the risks of climate change. The Policy includes, within the main guide-lines, the United Nations’ provisions on Climate Change as well as those of the Kyoto Protocol, including the encouragement and support for the promotion of sustainable production and consumption. Law that enacts the National Policy on Climate Change in Brazil and aims to provide an institutional structure and resources dedicated to the protection of the environment from the risks of climate change. The Policy includes, within the main guide-lines, the United Nations’ provisions on Climate Change as well as those of the Kyoto Protocol, including the encouragement and support for the promotion of sustainable production and consumption.

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