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Waste to resources

  • Published on December 16, 2017
The project is aim to give best solution for urban sorting waste at sources challenge. Hanoi (vietnam) generates approximately 6000-6500 tons of municipal solid waste per day (2,400,000 tons/year). 10% of MSW is increasingly each year. Each city resident produces around 200kg of waste a year. Only 15% - 20% (260 tons) of recyclable waste (paper, plastic, metal, glass) can be collected daily. The 80% leftovers is dump and landfilled or burned. Project is focus on conlecting more recyclable waste
The project is aim to build the Doorstep pick up waste service which pay for segregated waste (paper, metal, plastic, glass) at scources (householes, building, offices, schools, companies, etc in urban area). By using the waste collection web platform and mobile app to connect to target clients (sell waste, pickup schedule, database reports). The project will provide free sorting bag for different waste to clients, when the bag is full, clients will call/connect via web, mobile app to plant the pickup time. Waste collectors come to take the waste. Waste is sorting again at waste sorting station, packed and sell. The core benefit of this project is collect the recyclables waste, segregate it further, and sell it to end recyclers/industries. The extra benefit will come from producing upcycling products which can either be sold on its platform or other established e-commerce platforms for recycled products (housewares, décor, organize, school & office, floor coverings & mats, furniture, pets, outdoor living, apparel, bags & accessories, jewelry). This workshop will be setup and create jobs for poor women, autism, handicap people from urban area. Phase 1: Build up the collection waste pick up service (1-2 months) Runing the pilot program in the next 3 months Phase 2: Build up the upcycling workshop in the 6th month after that Phase 3: Build up the eco-system from waste recyclable sources for sustainable development Fishing with build up the Bplans Joining with SOIN.ORG.VN and CSIP.VN (Centre for Social Initiatives Promotion) to promote the project as well as finding the fundraiser for that. To be chosen by SOIN ORG and SCIP to become 1 of 30 protential projects in the 1st round. Ongoing into the 2nd round in this December 2017. We are looking for funding for our project as well as business corporate partners in waste management field, finance, funding agent, climate and environmental organisations and more who may be available to support us to help make this project come true.
Project start date
Project end date

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