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Promote and expand recycling labelling scheme in Singapore and South-East Asia

  • Published on August 27, 2020
According to the ISO14021 on environmental self-declaration, a product is recyclable if: 1 - Customers have a reasonable access to a recycling program 2 - Technologies are available locally to sort and then recycle the product 3 - There is a market for the recycled material We equip brand owners and manufacturers with tools to design truly recyclable packaging and make recycling easy for consumers.
Based on our research, there are two major challenges related to the recycling of packaging: 1 - Manufacturer’s side: manufacturers and brand owners do not know what is effectively recyclable in specific markets. Companies will typically rely on international guidelines which are not necessarily relevant for the local market like Singapore and South-East Asia. We need to provide a tool so manufacturers can verify if their packaging is recyclable and improve the design if necessary. 2 - Consumer’s side: surveys show the willingness of Singaporeans to recycle more. However, recycling is complicated and will only get more complicated as new materials and technologies are introduced. We need to make recycling as simple and straightforward as possible. Clear and standardised on-pack labels seem to be the most effective way of doing so. Our solution aims to address the challenges faced by both manufacturers and consumers. The backbone of our solution is the Packaging Recyclability Evaluation Portal (PREP). This packaging recyclability evaluation portal provides immediate feedback to pack designers if not recyclable. PREP relies on data collected from the waste management ecosystem (collectors, sorters, and recyclers) to provide value to brand owners and packaging manufacturers. Finally, the PREP labels make recycling easy for consumers and give a chance to make the circular economy a reality. We aim to: - assess at least 50% of the consumer products supplied to the Singapore market before 2025. - ensure that at least 50% of the products are effectively recyclable. - ensure that at least 10% of the products display the recycling labels. All brand owners and manufacturers willing to design truly recyclable packaging for Singapore and the South-East Asian markets should contact us directly. Community groups and NGOs which believe that this initiative is meaningful can contact us or contact brand owners directly to recommend our project.
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