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“Pristine Seychelles” awareness raising campaign for tourists

  • Published on January 22, 2019
Over the past 20 years tourism arrivals to Seychelles have more than doubled. With more that 350.000 annual tourist arrivals, tourists can have a considerable impact on the fragile island ecosystem and communities. Apart from individual hotels communicating their sustainability efforts to guests, and certain NGOs reaching out to the general public about the importance of a responsible lifestyle, including waste management, there is no large-scale approach to sensitize to the tourists themselves
The Pristine Seychelles campaign was designed for all tourism stakeholders to promote the three pillars of sustainability among tourists and locals (environment, creole culture and local economy). By actively raising awareness among tourists in Seychelles upon their arrival, they will be more conscious about their impact on an island destination like Seychelles and will be sensitized to consider their actions throughout their stay (e.g. usage of air-conditioning and plastic bottles, purchasing and consumption of imported foods and support of local souvenir vendors). They will also be more likely to engage in and support conservation efforts and environmental activities, such as beach cleanups. Once their awareness level is increased they will also be more active in questioning local stakeholders, such as hotels and excursion providers about their sustainability engagement. - Launch of the campaign on Word Tourism Day - 2 airport events were several hundreds of tourists were welcomed with a Pristine Seychelles badge and received information about the campaign - Screening of the Pristine Seychelles videos at key outlets on the main island of Mahe on WTD (bus stop, supermarkets, etc.) - Ongoing screening of the Pristine Seychelles videos at the airport arrival hall The main impact so far has been the engagement within the Seychelles tourism industry. It is a first of its kind multi stakeholder cooperation between Ministry of Tourism, Seychelles Tourism Board, SSTF, Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association and the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority to target a common goal for a more sustainable tourism industry.
Project start date
Project end date

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