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  • Published on February 11, 2020
In 2019, the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme started, with support the French Government, UN Environment Programme and UNWTO, a cycle of online trainings to support tourism practitioners in integrating sustainable consumption and production patterns in their everyday operations
One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme (STP) started in 2019 a cycle of online trainings to support tourism practitioners in integrating sustainable consumption and production patterns in their everyday operations. These trainings offer the opportunity to the network members (and beyond) to access free of charge one/two-hour trainings. These trainings provide guidance to tourism practitioners on use of free tools and methodologies designed to support their efforts towards resource and energy efficiency of tourism operations. Trainings will put a strong accent on the use of measurement and monitoring frameworks to better understand the environmental and social outcomes of SCP. The first training of the cycle is organized in partnership with the UN Environment, WRAP and 3Keel within the frame of the “Promoting resource efficient and low-carbon development through transforming tourism value chains in developing countries and SIDS” project, which is funded by the German government’s International Climate Change Initiative. Objectives of the training are to: Understand value chains and hotspots analysis concepts Learn how to map tourism value chains to identify and respond to environmental impact Become able to identify actions to address key environmental concerns, protect tourism assets and improve the resilience of the tourism sector Learn how to build a business case and workplan to address priority hotspots Explore policy frameworks to support tourism value chain actions. This one hour and half online training help participants to better understand how to map the tourism value chain at a national, destination or business-level, in order to collaborate with value chain partners to improve the efficiency with which resources are used, reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions and put tourism on a low carbon development path. The value chain mapping approach included in this training has been developed and refined based on work undertaken in four countries where the tourism sector represents a significant proportion of national GDP, as part of the UN Environment “Transforming Tourism Value Chains” project, which is funded by the German government’s International Climate Change Initiative. Mapping and managing the tourism value chain is all about extending your line of sight and influence beyond the traditional areas of focus on immediate supply chain partners, to take a more comprehensive look at the entire commodity, product or service chain. Map looks both upstream to primary producers and raw materials, intermediate suppliers and service providers; and downstream to consumers and end of life management (e.g. how to reuse, refurbish or recycle products used in the tourism sector or managing the waste streams arising from tourism activities responsibly and sustainably). The aim is to limit risk and add value at each stage of the value chain; and to guide the activities to be taken within the value chain based on the identification of hotspots, threats, opportunities and the creation of new partnerships and collaborations to address or capitalize on them. Where possible, a map should be multi-faceted, containing operational, economic, environmental and social information. Over 230 people attended the online training during the broadcasting and over 900 watched the recording on Youtube.

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