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NATH Implementing Sustainable Tourism Practice for North East India

  • Published on January 2, 2019
To safeguard the people and environment of North East India for opening up Tourism activities, with regards to "India's Act East Policy". NATH have presented to stakeholders to practice Sustainable Consumption and Production activities in the tourism sector. It was an awareness seminar to both public and private sectors to educate and to accelerate sustainable tourism in the North East India region.
NATH, Inc. conducted coaching and training classes on Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality in the Maldives to locals in the remote islands in order to make their livelihoods and the region more sustainable. NATH's main goal is to spread message to the world introducing trainers without borders. Tourism and Hospitality Industry are crucial back bones of a nation. They are the fastest growing industry in the world. North East Indian states share international boundary with Myanmar and they have great potential to offer to global tourism and hospitality service sectors. With a population of 45 million(almost that of Myanmar which is 53 million ), the indigenous people of North East states have various diverse cultures, languages and traditions that could attract both domestic and International tourists to come explore their regions, which simply are hidden jewels of India . Tourism and Hospitality service are in tertiary Industry sector; hence people in this sector need to be well educated and be innovative. As we know service is intangible and this very nature of it makes it more difficult to be sold. Branding and Marketing are the most important aspects of tourism and hospitality sector; as to -who your potential customers are and what your target market segments are. Also, questions such as – „what kind of resources do you have, that could be shown to the tourists in order to attract them‟, needs to be addressed. This is when Destination Marketing comes in with objectives and questions in mind such as –base on what factors (heritage, traditions, culture or eco-tourism) is the destination being branded with? Other questions that could arise are –'are locals prepared and ready and if so how creative/innovative are they when serving tourists/visitors to make them have memorable positive experience of their lives?' In order for tourism and hospitality to thrive and develop in the North East states, especially Manipur, there are some basic steps to be followed. Local residences need to know awareness of tourist needs – they need to be well educated and informed in areas such as health and hygiene, general knowledge and in being self-sufficient in a circular economy in term of producing, consuming and refurbishing & recycling. A lot of infrastructures need to be constructed for the ease of access by the tourists - such as good motor roads, railways and air transportation, since Manipur is a land-locked region. NATH's promoting awareness program for sustainable Tourism in the region to all stakeholders by holding and participating workshop and seminars. A significant part of NATH’s mission is to reach out to underprivileged youths in remote places and various countries to provide them with an expertise to help them build sustainable livelihoods and careers in the tourism sector. Stakeholders can contact us for more information, and easily get involve with our future projects and activities .

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